Author & Senior Living Edu-tainer
Laurie Alberswerth
"That's the Story of My Life"
Copyright (C) 2024 Bear Write Media. All Rights Reserved.
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Have you ever met a senior that WASN'T brimming with great stories? Me neither.

But too many seniors underestimate the value of their life experiences or think they must be a "Great Writer" to leave behind something meaningful.

Untrue! And all those wonderful anecdotes and lessons are being lost to time.

So I developed "That's the Story of My Life," an eight-session Memoir Writing course aimed at residents of Senior Independent Living Communities.

I first teach residents how to mine their Memory Treasure Chests for all those great stories, then I show them how to put pen to paper.

"Such a fulfilling experience!"
"Laurie is an encourager, cheerleader, and teacher. She makes it fun to share our stories which we did not even know we had!"
-Sue R., Student Resident
"This memoir-writing workshop was a big hit with our residents. Laurie focused on different subject matter during each session and taught them how to record their precious memories. Not only did they enjoy learning from Laurie, but even met on their own in between to share their memories with each other. They were enthusiastic about each session and remained engaged throughout!"
-Mary Tebeau, Lifestyle Director
A memoir-writing course for
 St. Louis-area Seniors!
I break down the process of documenting a lifetime into manageable bites. We discuss the differences between autobiographies and memoirs (yes, there's a difference!), how to brainstorm for ideas, and how to structure a story.

Then, I share tricks of the writing trade, showing my students how some simple wordcraft can make their tales leap off the page for their readers.

My students want to share wisdom gained the hard way, provide their relations a better understanding of who Grandma was before she was Grandma, or simply reminisce about the road they traveled.

Seniors benefit greatly from the process (and art!) of writing, helping them maintain or even improve cognitive ability through story-telling. By examining significant events from their lives and expressing them in words, they are also:

Stimulating and enhancing memory

Expressing emotions on paper, leading to better mental health, reduced stress, and a sense of well-being

Expressing creativity

Sharing knowledge and experiences with other generations

Leaving a lasting legacy for family and friends

Bettering their understanding of themselves

Having fun!

So how can you bring this exciting opportunity to the residents of YOUR Senior Community? If you're in the St. Louis region, contact me for a brochure and more info today!